During the past couple of weeks, I realized something: I don't think I've ever really shared my faith with you guys on this blog. Which is interesting because it's usually my daily devotionals that leads me to certain conclusions that end up in my blog posts. Here's a conclusion I've come to over the past month: I believe that the things that happen to us in life have divine significance. Now, we usually don't realize (or truly understand) their purpose until much later on, in hindsight. And, this can be frustrating, if you let it. I'm finding that choosing to relinquish all illusions of control and to just simply accept the peace of mind is a preferable alternative. I realized that I'm not always going to understand why certain people came into my life this past year: whether a reason, season or lifetime. Only time will really tell which category certain people will fall into, I think. But, what I do know is this: at 22 years old, all I have to really do is "trust steadily, hope unswervingly, and love extravagantly." (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Which brings me to today's music selection: Nada Surf's "Always Love". The very first line of this song has always resonated with me: "To make a mountain of your life is just a choice." It's exactly the sentiment that I'm trying to convey with this post. Life can frustrate you to no end if you let it. But, if you just strive to love above all of the disappointments, all of the heartbreaks, the mistakes - that's all you really have to do. I'm not trying to oversimplify the solution to the struggles of life, I'm just sayin': no matter what, always love. Love yourself, love others, love each and every experience that makes you who you are. Always, love.
Favorite Line: "To make a mountain of your life is just a choice"
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