Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Finding a Better Way to...Believe

When did you first stop believing? When was it that you halted yourself from fully giving in to a hope or desire? Was it when someone said something like "great romantic relationships only exist in fairy tales"? Or, was it when you studied all week - day and night - for an exam and ended up with a C? Did a lab partner understand the material better than you? How about when you joked with your friends, "maybe he's just not that in to me, whatever, I'm over him anyway"? Did you have a meeting with a professor who told you to reconsider your career aspirations to become a doctor? Did a friendship turn out to be not at all what you thought it would be? When did you first stop believing, stop hoping, for a dream to come to fruition?

I have countless examples from my own experience and observances of others' of moments when a bubble was burst in some area of life. None of us are strangers to the disappointments or unexpected twists along this path of life. But, how often do we muster up the courage to believe again? To trust that even though one experience went awry before, that doesn't taint the experience from there on out. I've been in medical school for a solid month now - by the way - have you noticed that time moves at warp speed? Especially when studying & taking a blog break? Is it just me? I digress. As I was saying, I've been in medical school for a month now, which is so bizarre. I remember when I did get a poor grade on all the exams and had to retake a class. I remember when I did have that conversation with a professor about not becoming a doctor, after all. I remember when I first stop believing that I could become an effective physician to my future patients. But, then, I remembered when I decided to believe again.

I recalled the energy that came with the determination to diligently pursue the dream that just wouldn't go away -- no matter how many other career paths I considered. I also recalled refusing to deny the part of me that is creative and talkative and interdisciplinary, who wanted to integrate all my life interests into a rewarding and fulfilling vocation. I recalled when I believed again.

This aforementioned mental tangent made me wonder. How many times in life do we let hopes and dream pass us by for fear that it won't actually happen? Or from fear that we will get disappointed yet again? But, what of this fear? Why does IT get a say in how we think or feel? I briefly glanced at this article, and instantly loved the following quote:

"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be"  Lao Tzu
That pretty much sums it up. Release those fears that prevent you for progressing forward. I encourage you to believe, to hope, to dream, again and always. And, trust yourself to do so. It's the beauty of being human. Of being alive. As long as I breathe, I hope.

Now, technically this post was written on Monday during a study break, sooo we agree that this can be tagged as a Music Monday post, right? Tuesday's Tune? Both? Great! I think you saw this song choice coming...

Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'"

"Don't stop believin', hold on to that feeling." 

I have belted this song out on a karaoke bar stage more than once, and I'll do it again! You should, too. Peace easy, my friends!


  1. you'll belt out "Don't stop believin'" at a karaoke bar AGAIN? when are we going?!

    1. hahaha ahh, MS1, I cannot wait to go for our once-a-month-max indulgence again! haha we've got to find the perfect, maybe Friday?, in September for it!

    2. what about this friday? we have to spend all weekend studying, so why not have fun on friday night?


Please be respectful, open and helpful, we're all on this journey together!