Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Finding a Better Way to... Live in the Moment (Music Monday #23)

I know today is technically Tuesday, but I kind of like the idea keeping track of all the Music Monday posts, so here we are.

Today's tune comes from the ever-thoughtful curbside prophet himself, Jason Mraz. I first heard this song sometime this Spring semester while working on my thesis. It was an instant gem added to my "Relentless Positive Thinking" YouTube playlist. (By the way, I highly recommend having "Relentless Positive Thinking" YouTube playlists that you listen to...relentlessly.)

I revisited this song yesterday as I began to reflect on transitioning into a new month with a new perspective. I just love starting anew and new beginnings. It's like the sunrise of each day, a fresh start. I get this momentum of transition each time the first of the month rolls around. I'm moving later on in July - so that will be a major transition for me in and of itself. As I begin to finalize the details of my move and tie up loose ends here and there, naturally, I begin to feeling completely overwhelmed. How to deal? Take every task one step at a time. Lamenting time past and fretting over the future warrants nothing more than more lamentation and frustration. Thus, I present to you a beautiful reminder of how to "live in the moment"...

Jason Mraz "Living in the Moment"

Favorite Verse:

I'm letting myself off the hook for things I've done
I let my past go past
And now I'm having more fun
I'm letting go of the thoughts 
That do not do not make me strong
And I believe this way can be the same for everyone

And there are plenty more nuggets of wisdom embedded in this song. I have to remind myself to discard non-supportive thoughts about the past, present or future at any given circumstance in life. It's definitely a lot more fun that way. Besides, isn't life meant to be more abundant? In hot yoga yesterday, I recognized a poster that said, "Presence heals." True words. After all, the a present is a gift! ;-) PUN INTENDED and RELISHED. Live in the moment, my friends. 

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