Tuesday, December 27, 2011


[caption id="attachment_16" align="aligncenter" width="483" caption="just walking along this path called life...I was just sitting here thinking that there are about a gazillion different ways for people to get to their final destinations in life. Ken Jeong went to med school before he became famous for the Hangover movies. I once met this lady at a med school conference who was just starting her MD journey in her 40s. The thing that I think young, motivated college grads don't realize is - there is no direct path to living life, really. Sure, we make 4-year plans and map out what we're going to be doing in the next couple of years after that...but honestly. I think we got it all wrong. The problem ultimately comes down to money. Money makes the world go 'round and it allows us to live comfortably lives. So, we have to find a plan that allows us to do just that - make money to live comfortably in the future. but...I just can't shake the feeling that that philosophy just doesn't cut it. it doesn't truly feed the soul. But, alas, I've no simple solution for the quandary. So, all I can say is kudos to those who have found a way to make the stars align and their passion coincide with their profession and have everything -- acceptance letters, grades, etc -- fall into place to fit their plan. And, for the rest of us - let's just keep walking these footsteps in the sand - we'll eventually find out how our path to our ultimate profession, relationship, or personal destinations will be."][/caption]

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