Monday, June 20, 2016

Entering my summer of restoration, transformation and exploration

I'm finally back to my blog! It has been way too long! My goal this summer is to chronicle it. In a reflective and effective manner. So, let's get started!

As the title of this blog post suggests, this summer is one in which I want to restore myself physically. I feel as if my mind, body and soul got completely exhausted during my first year of medical school, so now is time for some much needed rest and relaxation. I also feel that I have already transformed so much as an individual over this past year, and that journey also continues. Finally, I have been blessed enough to be able to travel a bit this summer and explore parts of the world that I never have before. Title seems quite fitting now, huh?

First off, I want to share with y'all an amazing experience I had just last week. I wrote the following post while I was flying from Texas to Costa Rica:

Beautiful Mission Beach 

Mission in Oceanside, CA 
As I leave one transformative journey and embark upon the next adventure, I wanted to take a moment to reflect. I just attended a mentally, emotionally and physically restorative retreat in a lovely mission 45 minutes north of San Diego. While there, a group of other medical students and I surveyed the various layers of integrative medicine and healing, self-care practices to incorporate in our professional and personal life. Now as I sit above the clouds heading towards Costa Rica, I am reminded of mindfulness. Really taking in the moment-by-moments of life. It's so beautiful up here.

 View from above the clouds

It's rare that I get a window seat. I don't think that I've had once since college, over 4 years ago. There's a certain serenity to it all. The way the sun peeked over the horizon as the rain clouds floated away. It's quite magical, really, if I could use that word to describe what is ever so common in nature. This stillness. This peace.

The program I attended reminded me to interweave these same themes in my own life. To remember to be still, to restore, to contemplate in the quiet of your mind. To honor and enjoy the energy shared between yourself and others.

Just a portion of the most amazing people I've met yet! 
After seeing how I could practically integrate alternative and complementary practices into my practice of western medicine has restored my faith in myself to become a physician. More specifically, it has reignited a fire in my soul to be a healing physician. To treat each patient as a whole person - mind, body and spirit.

One major theme I learned from hearing everyone's stories of their life's paths thus far is this: the universe always provides a way for everything to fall into place. So, I won't worry myself with the details of how I will approach Step 1. Rather, I'll take each step along this path towards becoming an MD one at a time.

And last thought, but certainly not the least - I will never forget the beautiful souls I came across along this part of my journey. It's sad yet powerful to accept that though some of our paths may never cross again, the 5 days we shared in each other's space of growth and restoration will never be forgotten. Just as matter is neither created nor destroyed, neither is that energy that was created when that unique group of individuals came together. Our lives are forever changed by that moment in time.

In the coming weeks I'm sure I'll reflect upon more aspects of this retreat as I digest it all more. And, there will be videos to come! Until then, I will also try to chronicle my experience in Costa Rica with the same level of reflection and entertainment.

Today's Music Monday selection is an oldie-but-goodie that beautifully sums up this past week for me:
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

Favorite Line:
"I see friends shaking hands,
Singing, "How do you do?"
They're really singing, "I love you"

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