So, a while back I posted about an amazing endeavor being undertaken by this awesome marine biologist I met- Dr. Wallace J. Nichols. If you don't recall the posts see them here and here. Oh, and here and here. Needless to say, I am a huge fan of the work he and his team are doing - communicating why getting in, above, under and all around water to promote our well-being. This summer something very exciting is happening. His book, Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Show How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do is being released in the US July 22! I will get y'all more information about how you can order yours soon!
But, for now I wanted to talk about the 100 Days of Blue campaign going on this summer in order to promote the books. See the flier below and join in with the fun! Posting, tweeting and sharing your experiences with water throughout the summer emphasizes the fact that the water truly does connect us all!
As I personally begin brainstorming all the creative way I can get involved with 100 Days of Blue, I considered what it truly means to embrace my inner blue. So, I looked up what a blue aura (or blue energy field) signifies. One site mentions how people with dominant blue aura are peacemakers. Another emphasizes the loving and compassionate qualities of people with this aura. All of these descriptions make me think of one word: calmness. And that's exactly the feeling that washes over me (pun intended and enjoyed) when I think of water. It brings a sense of inner calm. I'll never forget one of my most transformative experiences with the ocean occurred when my summer Physics classmates and I went to Atlantic Beach after a test I had just failed. The failure, the anxiety over the implications of the failure - all of those worries faded away as I stared out at the grand, open ocean. We can all find that same inner peace by looking within and willfully bring out that sense of calm that lies within us. So, as I celebrate 100 Days of Blue, I implore you - find out and embrace what that means for you!